Digital interpretation of art and heritage

Immersive Experience

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New experiences and new ways of looking at the past

Permanent mapping

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Content has no limits


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Prospecting the intersection between art and technology

Virtual reality

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Juxtaposition of real and virtual reality

Virtual restoration

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We are a creative and digital innovation studio that designs new narratives to create immersive experiences.

About us

What we do

Virtual restitution of heritage
Digital strategy
New narratives
Technology and contents
Photogrammetry and virtual tours
Design, branding and campaigns

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Museum and the Web Award Baltimore - 2014

Premi de disseny LAUS Gold Barcelona -2014

Premi Junceda d'Il·lustració Barcelona - 2014

Premis Ciutat Igualada de Disseny Igualada - 2014

Gold A'Design Award Competition - 2016

Gold A'Design Award Competition - 2017

Premi eWoman d'Art Digital Manresa - 2018

Premio Hispania Nostra Madrid - 2019

Contact us, we would like to know your project